Something has changed in her

“Hi Cameron, thanks for reaching out and apologies for not responding. It is crazy how going back to the office has been so draining for me. Fortunately i am finding a rhythm and might be able to come to our Wednesday’s session. Please let me know on the course on Romans, im interested to attend and know more :)”

This message from a participant of the Dublin Bible Talks reveals what things are like for someone recently promoted in the Finance sector of Dublin.  D is from Mauritius, with a religious background in Roman Catholicism.  She had recently lost someone close to her and shared that with a colleague.  That colleague invited her to attend the Dublin Bible Talks just as we were beginning.  We don’t think D was a believer then.

As D attended, she was engaged and enthusiastic.  Sometimes more so than those who had been believers for years.  Her enthusiasm and readiness to ask questions was motivating for us all to look deeper.  She had also enrolled in the Gafcon Ireland, “TheologyIreland” evening course on Romans.  She began reading it for herself, at the same time as she was reading through Leviticus!!

Through regular reading of God’s word she has come to learn how to better read the Bible for herself.  Something has changed in her.  Perhaps this message from her describes best what has happened:

"Thank you, Cameron. These sessions have given me the tools and directions i needed to start reading the Bible, to start my journey with Jesus. I enjoy the weekly discussions and the talks that we have."

Please continue to pray for D as she discovers more of the God of the Bible for herself and that we all in the Dublin Bible Talks will be encouraged to invite others to join us each Wednesday lunchtime as we meet on zoom.

For more information on Rev Cameron Jones ministry and to learn how to prayerfully and financially support him please write to or


He confessed his sin and need for Jesus


Five Years In