
At a recent weekend away Immanuel Church Dublin were greatly encouraged to celebrate two adult baptisms.

Those being baptised gave clear testimony that their lives were now defined, not by their own goodness nor indeed by their own guilt, but by Jesus’ record that they have now received by faith.

Growing up in a Christian family, W said, had actually led him to be both ‘judgmental of others and harsh on himself’. However the gospel finally began to transform his heart. Knowing that God loves to save brought a revolution in his life. W finally saw that God wanted to save him too from his own attempts to save himself. This brought many wonderful changes in his life. For example W says,

”I am more tolerant of other people, seeing that I am a sinner, makes me more accepting of other people’s wrongdoing”

T, also grew up in a wonderfully loving family and enjoys a successful career, yet she realised that as good as these amazing gifts are, she was always looking for something more. Eventually she set her life in the context of God’s story, recognised her sin as the cause of God’s anger and the need therefore for Jesus’ substitutionary sacrifice for her. T, says,

“My identity is no longer in success in the world, now I have a new identity in Him. I know that I don’t belong to this world, that He, with His perfect love will take care of me until eternity. Now I know for the the first time, I’m not alone and have a purpose; that purpose is to glorify Him and enjoy knowing Him every day of my life.

Please praise God with Immanuel Church Dublin in celebration of God’s gracious work in stories like these and pray for many more to find God’s grace to be life changing to his glory forevermore.


St Patrick’s Less Well Known Story


He confessed his sin and need for Jesus