Pray With The Dublin Bible Talks

Prayer Points for Dublin Bible Talks

1. Guidance and Discernment: Heavenly Father, we pray for wisdom, guidance, and discernment as we study 2 Peter in our Dublin Bible Talks. Help us understand how to apply the teachings of this epistle to our daily lives, specifically in our workplaces. Grant us the ability to discern between the values of the world and the principles of Your Kingdom, enabling us to live as faithful witnesses in our workplaces.
2. Renewed Minds and Transformed Hearts: Lord Jesus, we ask for renewed minds and transformed hearts as we dive deep into the teachings of 2 Peter. Open our eyes to any ungodly attitudes, prejudices, or habits that hinder our ability to live and work as Christians. Help us align our thoughts, words, and actions with Your Word, so that we may be light and salt in our workplaces.
3. Courage and Boldness: Holy Spirit, empower us with courage and boldness as we engage with our colleagues and superiors at work. Many times, it can be challenging to uphold our Christian values and stand firm in our faith. Grant us the courage to speak truth, show kindness, practice justice, and demonstrate integrity, even in difficult circumstances. May we be known as individuals who exhibit Christ-like character in our workplaces.
4. Holy Influence: Heavenly Father, we pray that through our Dublin Bible Talks, Christians will gain a deeper understanding of how to influence their workplace environments positively. May we inspire others through our actions, kindness, humility, and love. Help us to be intentional in cultivating relationships that go beyond professional duties, so that we can share the hope and love of Jesus Christ with our colleagues. May our workplaces become beacons of Your grace and truth.
5. Practical Application: Lord, we humbly ask for practical wisdom as we navigate the challenges and complexities of our work lives. Grant us insight and creativity to find ways to practically apply the teachings of 2 Peter in our workplaces. Help us to be diligent, hardworking, and excellent in our tasks, being a testimony to Your faithfulness and provision. Equip us to balance our professional responsibilities while still prioritizing our relationship with You and our families.
In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Pray For City Church Dublin


Pray with Immanuel Church Dublin