Pray with Immanuel Church Dublin

Pray with Immanuel Church Dublin

1. Pray for the Church's Impact: Heavenly Father, we thank you for Immanuel Church Dublin, an international church in the heart of Dublin. We pray for its impact to be felt by people from all walks of life in this diverse city. May the church serve as a beacon of light and a source of hope, extending your love to those in need and sharing the Good News with boldness and clarity.
2. Pray for Unity and Fellowship: Lord, we lift up the members and leaders of Immanuel Church Dublin before you. May they be united in their purpose to glorify you and to fulfill the great commission. Grant them a spirit of unity, love, and genuine fellowship, enabling them to support one another and build lasting relationships within the congregation.
3. Pray for Empowerment and Guidance: Heavenly Father, as supporters of Immanuel Church Dublin, we pray for your divine empowerment upon its leaders and servants. Grant them wisdom, discernment, and anointing as they lead and minister in this international setting. May they be guided by your Holy Spirit in every decision, ensuring that your will is accomplished in all aspects of the church's life and ministry.
4. Pray for Spiritual Growth: Lord, we ask for spiritual growth and deepened faith for all those who are connected to Immanuel Church Dublin. May the congregation experience a hunger for your Word, growing in their knowledge and understanding of you. Grant them a desire for personal holiness, that they may reflect your character and be transformed into your image day by day.
5. Pray for Kieron Lynch and family: During a season of rest and recovery for Kieron praise God that He has been comforting and supporting him and his family. Praise God for a genuine Christian community who have cared for them and each other. Pray for wise next steps enabling Kieron to return to pastoring Immanuel Church Dublin and for proper support that leads to the growth of gospel health among the whole community.


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